6-timmarsrace / 6-hour race
Today it was time for the annual 6 hour race in Partille, and seven teams participated.
Guss and Stefan were in the lead from the very first second of the race, and finnished at 1st place with the bullets!
Not only did they win the race, they also made a new record - 4110 laps.
For all results, visit http://sveslot.se/resultat/2011/partille110220.pdf
Thanks to Mia Ekman for the delecious lunch!
2nd; Team Fernet 1st; Møkkamennen 3rd; 3-pack järpar 39,90:-
All cars, from left to right;
StarBowling, Møkkamennen, SweetHotChili, Räserputz, Samlaget, TeamFernet, 3-packJärpar
2nd; Team Fernet - Janne Ekman and Mikael Landrud
1st; Møkkamennen - Anders "Guss" Gustafsson and Stefan Törnfeldt
3rd; 3-pack järpar 39,90:- - Kennet Signal, Thomas Schüler, Lasse Pettersson