Jet Tires

Lasse Törn got his prize, Jet Tires from Trätrappor

Even more worlds pictures

Horkys G-27 car

Also Horkys G-27 car

I recived these photos from Guss

Wing worlds, pictures

The very fast PortJeff track
Light-27 Top 3
Günter Faas
Sillen & Peter, looking happy!

Before the G-7 main

Correct answers & winners

Slotquiz 1,
Which year and in which city did Skinner compete in his very first European Championship?
Correct answer: Vienna, 1995. No winner.
Slotquiz 2,
How old do you think the stylish Gugu is?
Correct answer: 48. No winner.
Slotquiz 3,
In which place did Jose end up in the G-7 Worlds 2004?
Correct answer: 2nd place. First one to send in the correct answer was Jan Andersson, who won the prizes from the earlier quizzes.

Slotquiz 4,
In which place did Per Persson end up in the Worlds 1978, in Gothenburg?
Correct answer: 75th place. The winner is Lasse Törn, who won a pair of Jet tires.
Slotquiz 5,
How many Europeans are participating at the Wing Worlds 2010?
Jeff Mack is the winner, he was a good mathematic and got the right answer! I totally messed up and wrote that the prize was an armature, it was supposed to be gear. We'll make it up to you by adding another prize aswell!

Slotquiz 6,
Which year did Reggie Coram win the Australian Championships in G-7?
Correct answer: 1990. The winner is Christian Kehl, who won a painted body from ProProducts!

Slotquiz 7,
Who was the first one to be under 3 seconds in a King track in a G-7 qual?
Correct answer: Justin Thomas. The first one to answer was the legendary Rolf Lundberg, who won two free armaturebalancings from Beuf.

Pictures from the Worlds

Filipe and his mechanic
Filipes winning car. 1282 laps - New G-7 world record!
Skinner, Beuf 2nd, Filipe 1st, Korec 3rd
Unfortunately there haven't been that much updating lately.
But here are some pictures from the Worlds to start with!
You'll get more tomorrow, along with the quizanswers :)
Take care!


Hey guys, I'm trying to get in contact with dad to get the correct answers to the last quizzes.
As soon as I have 'em, I'll let you know! Be patient.


I still don't have the correct answer to the Reggie-question but as soon as dad texts me, I'll update.

Who was the very first one to be under 3 seconds on a King track, in a G7 qual?
You can win two free armature balancings from BEUF!
Send your answer to [email protected]
The quiz ends tomorrow at 4 pm EST!

Three updates in one!

The winner of the How-many-Europeans-quiz is Jeffery D. Mack. You won a Voki-armature!

There are 34 entries in G-7, qual will start in a few. Watch it here!

G-27 main results
1) Horky - 936 - New World Record
2) Petr K. - 923
3) Heiko - 921
4) Gugu - 920
5) Marcio - 902
6) Rich C. - 900
7) Stefan - 889
8) Filipe - 786


Open for answers til tomorrow at 4 pm EST

Which year did reggie coram win the Australian Championchips in G-7 ?
You can win a painted body from pro products!

If you can answer the following question, 
you might be the lucky winner of  a painted body from pro products!

Send your answer to [email protected]

I don't know the winner of the last quiz yet,
my sister who takes care of that aint home bul she'll update tomorrow


27 Main entries in G-27

SLOTQUIZ + OMO-results

Lasse Törn is the winner of the last quiz, the correct answer is that Per Persson was 75th in the Worlds, 1978.

How many Europeans are participating at the Wing Worlds 2010?
You can win an armature from Voki Products!
Send your answer to [email protected]
The quiz ends tomorrow at 4 pm EST!
No swedes allowed this time ;-)

1st: Isaias, 1001 laps - New world record!
2nd: Forrest, 998 laps
3rd: Chubbie, 996 laps
4th: Josef Korec, 989 laps
5th: Gugu, 984 laps
6th: Filipe, 981 laps
7th: Ulli Pietsch, 980 laps
8th: Jose Mario, 975 laps
9th: Gary Puetz, 973 laps
10th: Klaus W, 968 laps

Isaias and his Horky-car


We have a winner on the Jose-question! He was 2nd! Some of you all had the right answer, but I decided to let the first one to send in the correct answer win. Janne Andersson, is the lucky winner of two bottles of miracle from StupidFast, five guides from RedFox and one pair of tires from B52! Congrats. I sure hope you'll share ;-)

In which place did Per Persson end up in the Worlds 1978, in Gothenburg?
You can win a pair of jet tires, sponsored by Trätrappor i Norsjö
(I think that's where he works!)
Send your answer to [email protected]
The quiz ends tomorrow at 4 pm EST!


OMO entries

44 entries!

Light27 Results

1st: Beuf, 910 laps - New World Record!
2nd: Petr Krcil, 909 laps
3rd: Frank S, 885 laps
4th: Les W, 885 laps
5th: Skinner, 884 laps
6th: Doug Bauer, 883 laps
7th: Oliver S, 843 laps
8th: Roger S, 565 laps

Beuf - Worldchamp! Congrats buddy :)


Still no correct answers on the Gugu-question! He is 48 years old, some of you were close.
Our very own Sillen (which actually is the name of a fish), aka Mikael Silén, gave the most epic answer and said 68 haha!

In which place did Jose end up in the G-7 Worlds, 2004?
You can win one pair of tires from B52
+ five guides from RedFox + two bottlesmiracleproduct for your tires from StupidFast!
Send your answer to [email protected]
The quiz ends tomorrow at 4 pm EST!


Light27 TQ: Stefan Törnfeldt. Qualificationtime: 1,885 - which is a new worldrecord!


No one had the right answer to the last Slotquiz! The correct answer is that Skinners first European Championship was in Vienna, 1995! So, the prizes from the last quiz will be added to this days Slotquiz!

How old do you think the stylish Gugu is?
You can win 5 guides from RedFox + miracleproduct for your tires from StupidFast!
Send your answer to [email protected]
The quiz ends tomorrow at 4 pm EST!

The Worlds

New slotquiz in a few hours + I'll reveal the winner of the last quiz!

The Worlds schedule ;
Tuesday May 18th Free Practice
Wednesday May 19th Group 27 Light 10am
Thursday May 20th One Motor Open 10am
Friday May 21st Free Practice
Saturday May 22nd Group 27 10am
Sunday May 23rd Opens 10am
Tuesday May 18th Free Practice
Wednesday May 19th Group 27 Light 10am
Thursday May 20th One Motor Open 10am
Friday May 21st Free Practice
Saturday May 22nd Group 27 10am
Sunday May 23rd Opens 10am


Open for answers til tomorrow at 4 pm EST

If you can answer the following question,
you might be the lucky winner of  two bottles of the new miracleproduct
from StupidFast for your tires!
Sponsored by Skinner

Which year, and in which city did Skinner compete
in his very first European Championship?

Send your answer to [email protected]


Talked to my dad earlier, and he said that there will be some sort of competition here on the blog!
I don't know how yet, but there will be great prizes :) Haven't got any special news or gossips from the Worlds, but I promise that as soon as I get something I'll keep y'all updated!

Anyhow, he called me like a minute ago again. They were on a mall, and he said he had bought some gifts already. Way to go dad! ;)

They're on solid ground

The headline speaks for it self. Dad, Guss & Sillen are now in the US and are on their way to Bohemia, where they are staying. Dad texted me and said that the plane they were on is the biggest in the world. I had to google it, and I tell you - it's insane! I haven't got any gossips yet, but as soon as I see, hear or read anything I'll update.
Goodnight! (atleast to you europeans)

Once upon a time ...

Numera kör vi på engelska!

As everyone already knows, dad & Guss are flying over seas tomorrow, nothing new. So, I thought I'd share a historical moment with you guys! Once upon a time, in (the magical year, when I was born) 1991 my mom and dad, Guss and Janne were going to the European Championships in Lugo, Italy. Guss had left his things in the car over the night, don't ask me why. The following day, mom was responsible of starting the car, so she went out and came back like after a few minutes saying that the car wouldn't start. I don't know what dad & Guss thought of her then, but I guess you get it. Anyhow, they went out to show her how it was supposed to work but no one seemed to get a hang of it. Fact is, that someone had stolen the carbattery and all of Guss' things! So, they called Janne and asked him to come and get him, on which he responded something like "Cut it out, it ain't funny" and hung up. Well, after convincing him that the battery really was stolen he came to get them and they were off to Italy!

You'll get a new update tomorrow (if I find something to write about!)

Ny bloggare

Pappa har nu lagt ner sitt bloggande, iallafall för ett tag framöver. Han har fullt upp med att försöka få ner alla sina grejer i en resväska... Så, från och med nu har jag tagit över! Ska försöka uppdatera varje dag (tror pappa iallafall) om vad som händer på Ving-VM i USA. Det enda skvaller jag har hittils, efter att ha lyssnat på pappas telefonsamtal med Sillen, är att Gugu inte verkar ha några kvaldäck i år. Hörde också att pappa har beställt någon chassiplatta till Törn. Får besök imorgon av Guss. Han, pappa och Sillen ska ju som sagt åka tillsammans till USA. De andra, från Norrland, åker nog inte förrens nästa vecka tror jag.

Målet med det hela, eller ja - anledningen till att jag gick med på att blogga under VM är för att bevisa för pappa att jag ska lyckas få fler besökare till bloggen än vad han har haft totalt under hela "sin" tid.


Snart är det dax!

Nu på Lördag eftermiddag åker vi till Port Jefferson,
Om ingen vulkan ställer till det för oss

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