32 Nats
Här är årets inbjudan till 1/32 Nats på den lilla blå 4 spåriga banan.
Here's the invitation for this years 1/32 Nats on the little blue 4-lane track.
6 hours
Då var lagen klara för årets 6 timmars; Benke & Bonke, ett Skånelag, Ungdomslaget, ett Dansklag, två GO-69 lag och Åtvidabergslaget samt Guss/Simon-Magnus.
Lite mera länkar, och lite ny musik (Hearts of Black Science)
The teams for this years 6 hours-race are now official; Benke & Bonke, a Skåneteam, Youthteam, Dannishteam, two GO-69 teams, Åtvidabergteam and Guss/Simon-Magnus.
A few more links and some new musics added (Hearts of Black Science)

Lite mera länkar, och lite ny musik (Hearts of Black Science)
The teams for this years 6 hours-race are now official; Benke & Bonke, a Skåneteam, Youthteam, Dannishteam, two GO-69 teams, Åtvidabergteam and Guss/Simon-Magnus.
A few more links and some new musics added (Hearts of Black Science)

Some New Links

Only 4 new links today.
Not much has happend lately, Janne A helped me to scan some old slotracing magazines fo J-P.
I recieved a mail from him which he writes;
"Actully I cannot update the IMCA site as the server went bankrupt and I have transferred the whole site to Hoastbasket, a new server. It can take two to four weeks before we can update. Kind regards JP."
I recieved a mail from him which he writes;
"Actully I cannot update the IMCA site as the server went bankrupt and I have transferred the whole site to Hoastbasket, a new server. It can take two to four weeks before we can update. Kind regards JP."
Ticket to Finland
Nu har jag äntligen bokat biljetter till Em i Finland, och köpt magneter av RL.
Roffe var ju 72a och hans bror Lennart 73a på Vm-78 i Göteborg.
Guss och Sillen har också köpt sina biljetter, och alla åker vi SAS tror jag.
Now I've finally booked my tickets for the European Championships in Finnland, and bought magnets from RL. Roffe was 72nd and his brother Lennart was 73rd on the Worlds -78 in Gothenburg.
Guss and Sillen has bought their tickets aswell, and we'll all fly with SAS I think.

Roffe var ju 72a och hans bror Lennart 73a på Vm-78 i Göteborg.
Guss och Sillen har också köpt sina biljetter, och alla åker vi SAS tror jag.
Now I've finally booked my tickets for the European Championships in Finnland, and bought magnets from RL. Roffe was 72nd and his brother Lennart was 73rd on the Worlds -78 in Gothenburg.
Guss and Sillen has bought their tickets aswell, and we'll all fly with SAS I think.

My Slotracingbox from the Worlds-78(standing outdoors for many years)

Even more photos from the Worlds -78

Here are two more photos from the Worlds in Nordstan, 1978.

Dish of the day, 10 Swedish Crowns = about $1,40

Lars "Blomman" Blomqvist for Team Minicars.
Night Club Slotracing 1968
Check this out !